A Cool Basil Trick from Foodie Friday

tina marie garden tricks

(Yes I know it’s Thursday. I’m taking a day away from home with my sweetie while the tropical storm passes over. This is just what I wanted to share today.) I mentioned in that giant post I’m guessing virtually no one read all the way through yesterday that part of the blogging conference was a […]

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Improvised Asian Noodles

cold asian noodle salad

I love noodles in just about any way you could think to serve them, but this time of year, hot as it’s been, what I really love is things in the genre of pasta salad. Pasta salads are usually pretty quick and easy to make, you only need to turn on the stove long enough […]

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Found it on Pinterest: Easy Yeast Rolls

It is the way of life that less than 24 hours after I wrote a post wondering if Pinerest wasn’t getting just a little bit evil — and even before I actually typed up said post — I would find myself turning to Pinterest for something, making it immediately and feeling really good about the […]

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Getting Crafty for the Bake Sale

box of bake sale cookies

At least once a year the playgroup that I was much more active in before the Bit started going to school does a bake sale. I like to take part because it’s like double crafting: making the items to sell and then making them adorable. This year I went with lots (and lots) of Cowboy […]

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