Paper Weaving {Craft Challenge, Day 30}

Paper weaving is a fun, easy, meditative project you can do with any paper you have handy.

I’m a little obsessed with weaving right now, which is going to show over the next few days of challenges. I love weaving because it’s so simple. You can do it with any sorts of materials, as we are going to this week. The motions are simple, repetitive, meditative.  It’s something we probably all tried […]

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Take a Self-Portrait Selfie

Can selfies be creative? I think so!

I know what you’re probably thinking. Selfies are creative? Bear with me. First of all, it’s Monday, so something easy is good, right? But I also feel like a selfie can be more than just a shot of what you look like on a particular day. It can also show a bit of who you […]

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