The Sacred Weekend

crafty weekend

Sacred is not really a word I throw around, being as I’m not religious at all. But lately it seems like more of my friends and Facebook peeps have been talking about how weekends are sacred at their house, by which they mean that it’s family time and it takes a lot to get one […]

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Art Makes You Happy

kid art

After consciously choosing “Create Space” as my intention for January (which will be bleeding over into February because my space isn’t completely created yet) I shuffled my remaining 11 One Little Word cards to determine what I would focus on for the other months. For February I got “Create Art.” The card says Play with […]

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Costume Crafting with Cookie’s Kids

butterfly costume

As a crafter, I love making my kid clothes, and making Halloween costumes is especially fun. Last year I spent several hours over a week or so making the Bit’s Yoda costume, which was quite cute even though the hat didn’t fit and she started screaming before we even got to the next-door neighbor’s door. […]

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