Knit a Pussycat Hat in the Round

Free pattern to knit a pussyhat/pussy cat hat in the round.

Affiliate links are included for your convenience. If you’re connected at all to the knitting world, and probably even if you’re not, you may have heard about the Pussyhat Project, which aims to outfit as many women as possible who are marching in the Women’s March on Washington with hats that look like cats. Even […]

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Knit a Scarf to #givewarmth

The knit scarf is perfect for knitters of all skill levels and is a quick and easy way to #givewarmth.

Because I’m a knitter from way back, when I think about making scarves to #givewarmth, I naturally want to knit a scarf. Or a bunch of scarves. It happens that I’m also feeling a need to burn through as much of my yarn stash as possible (probably because it is pretty much all in my […]

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Blue Bells Baby Blanket Knitting Pattern

Blue bells baby blanket knitting pattern

I’m trying to get back into the swing of things since school is back in session, and one of the things I used to do regularly that I miss is Iron Craft at Just Crafty Enough. This week’s challenge was to produce something that could be entered at a state fair. While I didn’t actually […]

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Make Knitting Needles out of Bamboo Skewers

Make easy, DIY knitting needles out of bambook skewers.

I have more than enough knitting needles as it is, but I always wanted to try to make knitting needles. Back when I was making stuff from hardware store finds, I was going to make some needles out of dowels, but I came up with something even easier when we were cleaning out the garage […]

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