One Month Down

valentine desk

It’s just about the end of January and I have to say, just about nothing has gone according to plan so far. Between snow, sick and family emergencies with our preschool provider, it feels like the girl has been home more days that she’s been in school this month. (That may actually be true; I’m […]

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My Making (and Buying) Mantra


One Little Word is a great way to avoid making specific resolutions, but there is one thing I’m going to try to do better this year that doesn’t easily fit into the “grow” scheme. I find it’s a lot easier to think about having principles than it is to actually carry them out. So maybe […]

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Literally Creating Space

cleaner desk

Sometimes this idea I’m focusing on this month — creating space — is as mental as it is physical. I need to create space in my mind and heart as well as in my office in order to create well and to live well. I actually just wrote down this quote yesterday: Clean out a […]

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