Perler Bead Dala Horse

Make a dala horse out of perler beads for holiday decor or to use on a gift bag.

The Iron Craft challenge prompt for this week was to do something related to an upcoming holiday. I guess it’s because they are traditionally red that I thought of Swedish dala horses, because they don’t have anything in particular to do with the holidays, I just wanted to make one. And I wanted to make […]

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Make a TARDIS with Perler Beads

tardis melty beads

If you’re a geek or have a geek in the house you probably know all about Doctor Who and his faithful TARDIS. If you don’t have a geek in the house, you’ve probably still seen pictures of what looks like a blue telephone booth (it’s actually a time-traveling spaceship that happens to look like a […]

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Places I’ve Been Lately

It seems like I’ve been doing nothing but writing guest posts lately, which is not exactly true, but there has been a bit more of it than usual this week. First, my pal Amanda, who shared her tips on subscription boxes earlier this week, hosted me at Let’s Talk Learning, the blog component of the […]

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What We in the Business Call a Craft Fail

melted perler beads craft fail

The Internet is full of lies. We sanitize our Facebook and Twitter posts to show only the smiling faces, the victories, the highlights. Of course we want to focus on and share the good stuff. No one wants to be friends — even just Facebook friends — with someone who complains and is negative all […]

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