Going Off the Grid

shape play tanagrams

A few months ago we did yet another toddler busy bag swap, and one of the items was a tanagram set with little pictures you’re supposed to try to line up the shapes like. The Bit has never played with it, but she found the shapes the other day when they got knocked off her […]

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Playdough Profusion


It’s funny how kids go through cycles with things they want to play with. As any regular readers know, I’m a little obsessed with playdough, but the Bit doesn’t always feel the same way. But pretty much all this month, she’s really been into it. On the 4th of July when we had people over […]

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“This is Fun Gak”

playing with gak

Last week my daughter was home from preschool for “summer break,” and I wanted to do some fun, new things with her. We went on her first trip to the museum (didn’t see any art, but that’s for another post), had her first homemade popsicles and made her first gak, among other things. I’ve been […]

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Colored Sand Play: An Invitation

painting with sand

If you read any blogs on playing with kids, entertaining kids, Montessori-inspired learning/play and whatnot, you might have heard of the concept of “invitations.” I think I first heard about them reading Play at Home Mom, which is really the site that sucked me down the rabbit hole of creative play. There are some examples […]

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Playing with Scarves

black veil

I have to admit that this idea is completely stolen from inspired by The Imagination Tree, a blog I love and have probably pinned about half of! Her stuff is a lot of fun, and last week she mentioned that she made a discovery box for her kids that was nothing but different colored cloths […]

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