I am maybe more than just a little bit obsessed with “Hamilton: An American Musical.” When I first listened to the cast recording, I didn’t really know what I was getting into. I just knew a lot of people loved it, it had won all these awards and I had, through other things, learned about […]
What I Learned on My Summer Vacation
I took rather more of a break from blogging over the summer than I meant to. I definitely wanted things to slow down — needed to, after five months of hard production — but I didn’t expect to go down from an average of 11 posts a week to one and a half posts a […]
Why Going to a Blog Conference is Worth it, Even if You’re Shy
I’m a shy introvert and I don’t really like hanging out with or talking to people I don’t know. I went to a big blogging conference once (BlissDom, back when that was a thing) and one giant knitting/fiber arts convention (yes, there are such things) and both just about did me in. I totally get […]
What I Really Want to Do This Summer
Today is considered the official start of summer, the state of mind if not the season. It also marks — I know because I’ve been keeping track of such things — the 151st day of the year. One hundred and fifty-one days, incidentally, that I have posted at least daily on this site. That’s a […]
Make Blackout Poetry {Craft Challenge, Day 113}
If you’re hesitant to use your own words to write poetry, or you aren’t sure what to say or how to get started, blackout poetry is a fun way to write poetry with other people’s words. What is Blackout Poetry? I first saw these on Austin Kleon’s blog, but lots of other people do them, […]
Do a Poetry Bombing {Craft Challenge, Day 112}
Now that we’ve spent a few days enjoying poetry, let’s share some of it with the world through a poetry bombing, which is just a way of saying leaving poems in public places. I was going to do this at my daughter’s school, but then I decided to do it at the public library instead. […]
Write a Poem About Something That’s Driving You Crazy {Craft Challenge, Day 111}
One of my favorite poems is “Another Reason Why I Don’t Keep a Gun in the House” by Billy Collins. If you don’t know it, I’ll share a little here, but click the link and read the whole thing: The neighbors’ dog will not stop barking. He is barking the same high, rhythmic bark that he […]