Support Your “Local” Author {Preorder My Book from Me}

colorwork knitting

I’ve not been talking a lot about it, but I have a new book coming out April 1. It’s called Colorwork Knitting, and it features five different color knitting techniques — using self-striping yarn, making your own stripes, slip-stitch knitting, stranded knitting and intarsia — on five different kinds of projects: scarves, hats, mitts or […]

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My #yearofmaking So Far

finished objects year of making

I’ve told you about my little word for the year, but I also decided to take on another challenge for 2015: a year of making. Like it sounds, year of making just means that I commit to making something, anything, every day this year, as well as documenting what I’m doing on Instagram. This idea […]

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How I Do Morning Pages

morning pages

When I talk about doing morning pages — which I do kind of a lot — I often get questions about how it’s done and how I work with them. I don’t feel like I quite do it in the same way that Julia Cameron, who introduced morning pages to the world in her book […]

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What to Do Now

what to do when your candidate loses

I know a lot of people are upset about the election results. (I know a lot of people, aren’t, too, and this post is for you, too.) And I know talking politics on a blog about crafting seems like just a really bad idea, but I’m all about creating the life you want in every […]

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