No Yarn Bind Off

If you’re stash busting and trying to use all your yarn in a project, or you’re just a poor planner, there may come a time when you don’t have enough yarn to do a standard bind off so you need to use a no yarn bind off. This is actually really quick and easy to […]

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My Favorite Stretchy Bind Off

Instead of doing a standard bind off technique to finish my knitting projects, most of the time I will do a stretchy bind off. Why Work a Stretchy Bind Off? A stretchy bind off is ideal for socks knit from the toe up, hats knit from the top down and other projects that need to […]

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How to Bind Off Knitting

When you are ready to finish a knitting project, you have to get the stitches off the needles, so let’s learn how to bind off knitting! What is a Bind Off in Knitting? The bind off, sometimes also called casting off (to mirror casting on at the beginning of a project) is a way to […]

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