Last week I shared my first creativity boost/challenge in a while, complete with a Facebook Live video (which you can see at the end of that post if you want to). It was all about giving things up to give yourself time and space to be more creative. How it Went for Me I’m actually […]
Get Creative Quick with Doodles
I wanted to start my year-long creative challenge with doodles even though I’ve talked about them before because it’s such an easy, basic way to be creative wherever you are and no matter how much time you have. You can doodle at your desk, at the end of the day, in the margins of a […]
Craft-a-Doodle Book Review {Creativity Boosts}
Doodling may seem like a fun little thing you do between other things, and it is, but it’s also turned into a legitimate genre of crafting, with people writing whole books about different ways to doddle. I think that’s kind of cool, because it helps those of us who feel we can’t draw get over […]