Mark the changing calendar with new years reflections instead of new year’s resolutions for less ick and more focus for the year to come. Why Reflect on the New Year? I know it can feel like we just want to leave the old year in the rearview. Maybe we didn’t accomplish everything (or much of […]
How to Start Something New the Right Way
It’s easy to dive in and start something new with a lot of enthusiasm that can quickly go away when you realize your goal is harder than you thought. There’s a better way to get started. This year I decided I really wanted to learn more about Japanese knitting patterns. They have a strong following […]
Goal Setting Tips to Set You Up for Success
Any time is a good time for goal setting, but at the end of the year or the beginning of a new one we are often primed to review the past year and think about what we want to do differently. These goal setting tips will help you be more successful reaching your goals, whenever […]
How to Meet Your Blogging Goals with Ebooks, Courses and Bundles
Learn how books, courses and bundles can help you meet your blogging goals without driving you crazy. I always buy into blogging business courses and ebook bundles with a great deal of hope and enthusiasm, sure that this time I’m going to do the reading and the work and use the information to my advantage. […]
Monthly Goals: Having a Plan
So, January, on the whole, did not go quite as planned. I was doing fine with my office cleaning for a lot of the month, and while I don’t think it’s possible for me to have a clean desk every day (too many projects!) I was at least trying to clean up at the end […]
A Gentler Approach to Fall’s Challenges
I don’t know why it is that November is the month with all the challenges. I guess it started with NaNoWriMo, aka National Novel Writing Month. There’s also NaNoReadMo, started by Austin Kleon, which charges readers to share a novel they loved each day of the month. (There apparently also used to be a novel […]