I took rather more of a break from blogging over the summer than I meant to. I definitely wanted things to slow down — needed to, after five months of hard production — but I didn’t expect to go down from an average of 11 posts a week to one and a half posts a […]
On Re-Starting a Yoga Practice, for the 82nd Time
I started doing yoga again last week. I was still hurting Wednesday from the session I did on Monday. I’ve been practicing yoga on and off (mostly off, lately) since I rented a VHS yoga tape from Blockbuster the summer I worked in Oklahoma City, which was 1999. (I realize there are at least three […]
How to Move Past a Work-Related Loss in Four Not-So-Easy Steps
Several friends of mine have been commenting on Facebook recently about losses and struggles at work, including one friend who recently saw a project shut down that she’d put a year of work into. I didn’t know how to respond when she asked what to do with that, but now I have a couple of […]
Putting Yourself Out There
One of the cool things about being a mama writer where I live is that there is a great community of writer mamas around here. Whether bloggers, magazine publishers, website owners or book authors, lots of ladies here are sharing their experience with each other and the world. It was because of this community and […]