All advertising these days seems to be about consumption, buying, spending, perhaps even going beyond your comfort level or your means to buy things that will supposedly make you or your family members happy. I’m all for cheer throughout the year, but I’m also for realism, and I fear that a lot of people literally […]
Start Saving for College with a 529 Plan
If you follow me on Twitter or Instagram you might have noticed a surge in activity on Wednesday. I was invited to join a group of bloggers at P. Allen Smith’s Garden Home in central Arkansas for a tour of the grounds and the home (more on that soon) and a lunch hosted by #AR529. […]
A Must-Read on the Value of Writing and Writers
I unexpectedly had a little alone time at home yesterday (thanks, husband!) and while I was online I saw a post from a Facebook friend with a link and the comment “a must read.” So I did. And it is. The article, titled “Slaves of the Internet, Unite!” is from the New York Times, the […]