Or, how using a brain dump list can set you free. I’m a big believer in lists. I actually probably place too much faith in lists, as if I can cram all my hopes onto a piece of paper and somehow magically the day will expand so I can actually get all those things done. […]
Stuff You’ll Want to Read: On Keeping a Journal
Learn why keeping a journal is so important for creative people (and everyone else) and how to get started. Affiliate links are included for your convenience. I have been a devotee of morning pages on and off throughout my adult life, and have been doing them almost daily for about three years now. I love […]
Why You Need a Notebook {Creativity Boosts}
If you didn’t see my post yesterday about this month of creativity boosts, check it out! I love my notebooks. I use them pretty much all the time, for pretty much everything. When I’m writing morning pages or just journaling it’s all mixed in with book reviews, to do lists and blog drafts (yep, I […]
Upcylced Box Notebooks
The other day I was looking around on some crafty mama blogs and I found this tutorial for homemade notebooks that I immediately pinned, and almost immediately crafted. It was probably the fastest pin to made ever, at least for me. Here’s how I did it. What You’ll Need Paperboard boxes (I happened to have […]
Things I Love: My Notebooks
We all have different ways of trying to keep organized. Some people keep calendars in their email or on their phones. Some people have paper calendars. Some people write lists. I have notebooks. I call them “my brain” because if I lost them, I’d lose it. My notebooks are a dumping ground, a storage system, […]