Zippers are great closures for a lot of projects, but it can be a little daunting to approach how to sew a zipper onto a knitting or crochet project. The good news is, it’s a lot easier than you might think! Here I’m showing a knitting project but the process is the same if you […]
Easy Scrap Fabric Project Bag
This easy scrap fabric project bag is the child of a couple of necessities. First, I have cats who LOVE yarn. They will go to any lengths, including climbing shelves and digging in tote bags, to get a ball of it — and the project its attached to — for themselves. Second, I have a […]
The Easy Way to Sew a Zipper
I was afraid of zippers for a long time, until I figured out this easy way to sew a zipper that probably would get me kicked out of the Proper Sewists Club. It doesn’t involve basting or anything fancy, but works just fine for a lot of projects. Choosing a Zipper Before you can sew […]
How to Level Up Your Crafts and Your Life
I don’t know that it’s absolutely true, but I would guess that most of us have invisible walls around certain things in crafting and in life, skills you’d love to have but you just can’t level up your crafts. Maybe starting a whole new craft just sounds too daunting, though you’d really love to knit […]