Sew a Zipper Onto Knitting or Crochet

Zippers are great closures for a lot of projects, but it can be a little daunting to approach how to sew a zipper onto a knitting or crochet project. The good news is, it’s a lot easier than you might think! Here I’m showing a knitting project but the process is the same if you […]

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Easy Scrap Fabric Project Bag

This easy scrap fabric project bag is the child of a couple of necessities. First, I have cats who LOVE yarn. They will go to any lengths, including climbing shelves and digging in tote bags, to get a ball of it — and the project its attached to — for themselves. Second, I have a […]

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The Easy Way to Sew a Zipper

I was afraid of zippers for a long time, until I figured out this easy way to sew a zipper that probably would get me kicked out of the Proper Sewists Club. It doesn’t involve basting or anything fancy, but works just fine for a lot of projects. Choosing a Zipper Before you can sew […]

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