Sew a Paper Shamrock Garland for St. Patrick’s Day

cut paper shamrocks

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Sometimes I know exactly what I want to do when an Iron Craft challenge is announced, and sometimes it takes me almost to the last minute to figure out what I want to do. This week’s theme was green, of course, and I couldn’t decide what I wanted to do.

Knit something green? I’ve already made shamrock and Irish flag coasters this season, so I didn’t have a good idea. Plus, my hands and arms were hurting all last week, so needle crafts were out.

Take green in the other direction and upcycle something? I didn’t have any great ideas that didn’t also involve knitting.sewn paper garland

I came across a Cricut file and printable for shamrocks from 100 Directions, which got me thinking about doing something with paper shamrocks. I printed out a set but then decided I really wanted to do green shamrocks on cardstock.

So I traced the shamrock onto two shades of green cardstock and cut out a bunch, still not sure what I was going to do with them. I thought maybe draw patterns on them and make a memory/matching game (which is still a good idea, by the way).

But then I decided our house could use a little more holiday decor, and I had seen people sew paper before though I’d never tried it myself, so that’s what I decided to do.

What You’ll Needcut paper shamrocks

  • two sheets each of two different shades of green card stock (or one color if you prefer, and as much as you need for the length of garland you want)
  • shamrock printout
  • pencil and scissors
  • sewing machine and green thread

What You’ll Do

  1. Trace shamrocks onto cardstock and cut out.
  2. Put your two colors of shamrocks into piles if you want to alternate colors. sewing paper shamrocks
  3. Set up your sewing machine with green thread. Put the first shamrock in and sew across. sewing paper garland
  4. Leaving a few stitches between each shamrock, sew the shamrocks together in a continuous string.
  5. Trim thread ends and patricks day paper shamrock garland

I think it turned out super cute and is a great, easy way to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. And they spin, which the girl really liked. I think I may sew paper garlands for all the holidays now.

How do you decorate for St. Patrick’s Day? I’d love to hear about it.

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