Somehow I didn’t manage to get any of our Halloween crafty goodness blogged while it was still before Halloween, so I’m just putting this here for the record and will try to bring it up again next year before the actual holiday in question. (The reason behind the lack of pre-event-blogging is that all of […]
How We Do Art in My House
I like to think of myself as a creative person, and when my little girl came along I hoped that I could pass that on to her. She’s a very avid colorer and she enjoys painting, too. A few of the moms I know were interested in how we go about painting in house without […]
30 Minute Crafts: Shadowboxing
This is a golden-oldie of a craft that I never managed to get posted, but it’s from my daughter’s birthday back in September. I had a bunch of cute baby stuff, like her hat from the hospital (or, even cuter, the first hat I knit for her tiny preemie head), our hospital bands, some of […]
30 Minute Crafts: Play Dough
This one is another bit of crafty plagiarism, thanks to a mom in my playgroup who recently shared a recipe for play dough that’s really crazy easy. Of course it doesn’t take anywhere near 30 minutes, unless you count the time it takes the dough to cool down so you can play with it, which […]
30 Minute Crafty Plagiarism: Water Bottle Shaker
I have to admit that the last super-quick craft I made was not even my idea. It was Stephanie’s, and I’m pretty sure she stole it from somewhere on the interwebs, too. But it’s too cute not to share. This was a craft for a new year’s party, but kids love to make noise any […]
Simple Shaker
I’ve long wanted to do a website or write a column for a publication that’s all about 30 minute crafts: things you can do when you have almost no time, like I have right now. It occurs to me that that’s a fine addition to this site, so here is the first installment in the […]
Knitting for Two
Some people who only know me from the Internet already know my big news, but for those who don’t, I’m finally ready to officially announce that I’m having a baby! I’m due in mid-October, so I’m right at halfway done with the gestating, which has been wonderfully easy so far (except for being tired a […]