So, it’s Finish it Up Friday, and I had big designs on this day. I had a really awful night (toddler screaming at 4 a.m. kind of awful) so I didn’t have as much energy as I might have liked, but I still got some good work accomplished. Let’s see. Technically last night I finished […]
Finishing It Up
I used to, at the beginning of 2011, have an occasional feature on my knitting site called “Finish it up Friday.” One of my resolutions had been to either finish or frog (that’s knitter-speak for ripping out a project) as many of my on-the-needles projects as possible. It didn’t last very long, but it was […]
30-Minute Make Do: Simple Toddler Bedding
My daughter has never had a matching set of bedding. I made her crib bumper, and she mostly had plain white or thrift-store-vintage fitted crib sheets, with a couple of random printed ones from Target thrown in. She’s never had flat sheets (well, I guess I did buy one once, but we hardly used it) […]
Halloween Craftiness, Part Two: The Costume
Every year of my daughter’s life I’ve made some part of her costume. The first year she didn’t really have a costume, because she was seven weeks out of the NICU (and eight weeks out of me) so we weren’t exactly leaving the house. But she did have a Halloween-themed onesie, and I had a […]