Getting Back to the Sewing Machine

kids' tshirt skirt

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I feel like this month has been a whirlwind for a lot of reasons, and I haven’t been getting a lot done other than the bare minimum that needs to get done. That goes for writing, cleaning my house and crafting. But since this is the first full week of work I’ve had this year, I’m trying to get back to normal, and the best kind of normal for me is one in which I get a little crafting time in the mornings. So yesterday I sidled up to the sewing machine for pretty much the first time all year (I had done some mending before), finished one project for the girl and started another. These have both been on the to-do list for a really long time, so it was nice to make some progress. The thing I finished, which it is much too cold for her to wear right now, is a skirt made out of an old T-shirt of mine. kids' tshirt skirt The trouble with blogging is that I can tell you I started this skirt back in May, but I originally sewed it together with one panel inside out, and it took me this long to fix it. Sigh. Anyway, should you want to make your own, the fabric was the bottom of an adult medium T-shirt. I used one of her current skirts as a pattern (it may have actually been the rainbow skirt I made for her, but who remembers at this point?) and used the bottom of the shirt as the bottom hem, so all I had to do was sew side seams and insert the elastic waistband.

right sides together fail
If you look closely, you can see that the front is the front of a shirt and the back has the back facing out. Oops.

It took all of like 15 minutes in the end. I always wonder why I can’t just do things instead of putting them off for a million years. I think that’s a lesson for me to learn this year. At least I hope, or we’ll all be in trouble. Have you done any fun crafting this year? I’d love to hear about it!

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  1. I love doing simple sewing projects too. I made a few skirts for my girls from their top sheets that they hate to use. lol One of these days I want to make some pj bottoms out of them too!. Stopping by from your SITS tribe. 🙂

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