This bag with box bottom corners came about by special request of my daughter, who had been using a bag she liked as her pencil bag but it wasn’t quite perfect. I hope I’ve gotten closer with this one! The Original Bag I think this bag originally held a set of sheets. It’s made from […]
Fall Sewing Patterns
These fall sewing patterns are a lot of fun to stitch and great to use as the weather gets cooler. Things to Sew for the Home for Fall Fall is a great time to sew projects for the home because it’s great to refresh your decor and accessories for the new season (and for being […]
How to Use a PDF Sewing Pattern
I’m about to start sewing a new project as I write this, so I thought it would be a great time to share how to use a PDF sewing pattern in case you’ve never done it before. You’ll need a lot of space and some time to put it together, but it’s not difficult at […]
Easy Sewing Patterns for Beginners
These easy sewing patterns are not just for beginners, but anyone looking for quick projects to make for themselves, as gifts or charity projects. If You’re a Total Beginner Want to test your sewing skills before you start a sewing project? Printable sewing practice worksheets are a great place to start. I love these from […]
Easy Shorts Sewing Patterns
A few years ago I wrote a post about women’s shorts sewing patterns, and it has consistently been a popular post. It reminds me that I need to sew more shorts and that I need to share more patterns for shorts. Sewing your own shorts is great because you can customize them for the level […]
Getting Back to the Sewing Machine
I feel like this month has been a whirlwind for a lot of reasons, and I haven’t been getting a lot done other than the bare minimum that needs to get done. That goes for writing, cleaning my house and crafting. But since this is the first full week of work I’ve had this year, […]