From Mom Jeans to a Cute Skirt {Summer of No Pants}

denim skirt mom jeans

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My upcylcing ways continue this week with my Summer of No Pants skirt made out of an old pair of jeans. jeans to denim skirt

These jeans were not all that flattering to start with (as case of the Old Navy gateway mom jeans phenomenon) and they were about to get a hole in one knee, so I figured they were ripe for a makeover.

And this one I did with no sewing at all, which is kind of awesome, too. (I used Aleene’s Fabric Fusion, which is permanent, washable on gentle fabric glue. That’s not an affiliate link but I love the product and should totally be an ambassador.)denim skirt pieces

All you need to do is cut the pants off roughly the length you want the skirt to be, then cut the legs open along the inseams. You’ll also need to cut up the center back seam a few inches (I cut it to about in line with the pockets) and the center front seam a couple of inches as well.

Use the lower leg fabric to cut out pieces to fill the gaps so that it will look like a normal skirt.

Here’s the frontdenim skirt back

and the back.
jeans to skirt pieces
Just glue like crazy (sure, you could sew it if you wanted, I suppose), cut the bottom so that it’s straight across and let it ravel as it will.

A super-cute, easy look for summer that doesn’t look like mom jeans at all. denim skirt mom jeans


Have you ever made a denim skirt? It’s super easy and a lot of fun. I hope you’ll let me know if you give it a try!

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