Make a Dinosaur Softie Inspired by Dino Dana

dinosaur softie dino dana

How to make a dinosaur softie inspired by the Amazon show Dino Dana. Affiliate links are included for your convenience. Inspired by the girl’s Titanoboa softie, I wanted to make my own dinosaur softie inspired by Dino Dana. What is Dino Dana? If you don’t know Dino Dana yet, allow me to introduce you. The […]

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Mend a Fresh Hole in Jeans with Weaving

How to mend a fresh hole in jeans with weaving.

Learn how to mend a fresh hole in jeans while the threads are still there to weave with. Easier than patching later! I have this pair of jeans I love. They were the first real (as in, not from Target) jeans I bought after my daughter was born, which means they are probably seven years […]

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