Sew a Softie with the Kids for the Holidays

Sew a softie for the holidays with or for your kids with these easy sewing patterns.

The other day I shared with you my Christmas tree softie, which I made myself but would be great for kids to make, or even for a group of kids to do together as they learn embroidery stitches. A bunch of my blogger friends have been sharing their own holiday-themed sew a softie projects, which […]

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Sew a Christmas Tree Softie

Sew a Christmas tree softie for the tree or a gift.

I love doing little hand-sewing projects, and the girl is starting to get into them, too. (I had so much fun working through Crafty Critters with some of my fiber arts students and I can’t wait for the girl to make some of these adorable things, too.) I thought it would be fun to make […]

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Make a Yarn Pom-Pom Wreath

make a simple pom pom wreath for holiday decor

As a knitter, I have a lot of yarn. But I also have a lot of leftover bits of yarn from finished projects that didn’t take the whole ball, or from book projects where I didn’t need a whole ball, or just things I have but never made anything with. There are loads of ways […]

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