I don’t know that it’s absolutely true, but I would guess that most of us have invisible walls around certain things in crafting and in life, skills you’d love to have but you just can’t level up your crafts. Maybe starting a whole new craft just sounds too daunting, though you’d really love to knit […]
The Fine Art of Finishing Things
It’s so easy to start new projects; finishing things can be harder. Here are some tips to get you through. There’s something about the chill in the air in the mornings these days. It makes me want to make things. Maybe more importantly, it makes me want to finish things. I am a great starter. […]
Creativity Boost: Do Something Scary
Last week I shared my first creativity boost/challenge in a while, complete with a Facebook Live video (which you can see at the end of that post if you want to). It was all about giving things up to give yourself time and space to be more creative. How it Went for Me I’m actually […]
Thoughts on a New Book
If you follow me anywhere on social media, you probably already know that my book, Quick & Easy Baby Knits has been released out into the world. (And if you don’t follow me on social media, go click on some of those buttons at the top right, why don’t you?) This came as a bit […]