Being a dabbler is a great way to learn new things. It’s probably the way we’re all supposed to be. I spent the weekend with a few of my favorite kick-ass ladies at our self-styled working retreat lovingly acronymed tcoyos. We’ve been doing this for more than three years and, honestly, I don’t know what […]
What the World Needs: #givewarmth
I spent a lot of time thinking over the holiday about what I am thankful for, of course, but also about how things feel really hard right now, in America and elsewhere. There is so much divisiveness and uncertainty and we don’t really know how it’s all going to pan out (which, I suppose, is […]
Make Bad Art — It’s Good for You
I really hate the idea of calling anything you make “bad.” Things might not turn out the way you planned (so often) but that doesn’t mean it’s bad, just that it turned out differently. But “bad art” is what a lot of people feel like they make, those people who say they aren’t creative and […]
Notions: Creativity for Moms
I’ve had this notion for a long time that what I really want to do is to help moms be more creative. One way to do that is to provide them with ideas for things to make and do with and for their kids, which I write a lot about. But I think it’s just […]
3 Books for Kids Who Love to Make
My daughter’s school just opened up a tinkering studio, which is completely awesome and I want to live there. It’s great because the school is really dedicated to STEAM education so there are circuits and a 3-D printer but also a sewing machine and yarn (my cast offs, of course). They have some books around […]
Why We Make Things and Why It Matters
Sometimes when I’m at the library for a specific purpose (like picking up a book for my Reading Women project) I can’t resist browsing a little bit, particularly in the nonfiction section. So it was that the book Why We Make Things and Why It Matters: The Education of a Craftsman by Peter Korn ended […]
My #yearofmaking So Far
I’ve told you about my little word for the year, but I also decided to take on another challenge for 2015: a year of making. Like it sounds, year of making just means that I commit to making something, anything, every day this year, as well as documenting what I’m doing on Instagram. This idea […]