This year I set myself two tiny goals for each day: that I would do a plank every day and that I would write little poems. Not exactly haiku, just short little poems, a few words to a few lines, that expressed something about my day or how I was feeling. Sometimes they are funny, […]
Make Blackout Poetry {Craft Challenge, Day 113}
If you’re hesitant to use your own words to write poetry, or you aren’t sure what to say or how to get started, blackout poetry is a fun way to write poetry with other people’s words. What is Blackout Poetry? I first saw these on Austin Kleon’s blog, but lots of other people do them, […]
Do a Poetry Bombing {Craft Challenge, Day 112}
Now that we’ve spent a few days enjoying poetry, let’s share some of it with the world through a poetry bombing, which is just a way of saying leaving poems in public places. I was going to do this at my daughter’s school, but then I decided to do it at the public library instead. […]
Write a Poem About Something That’s Driving You Crazy {Craft Challenge, Day 111}
One of my favorite poems is “Another Reason Why I Don’t Keep a Gun in the House” by Billy Collins. If you don’t know it, I’ll share a little here, but click the link and read the whole thing: The neighbors’ dog will not stop barking. He is barking the same high, rhythmic bark that he […]
Read a Long Poem {Craft Challenge, Day 110}
Reading poetry is actually a great way to jumpstart creativity in your own brain. We’ve talked a little bit about reading poetry when we compiled our poetry books yesterday, but today’s challenge is a little more challenging: read a long poem. Why Read a Long Poem? Long poems can mean different things to different people, […]
Make a Poetry Book {Craft Challenge, Day 109}
Do you read poetry? Do you have poems that you remember liking but you don’t read very often? Or would you like to read more poetry more often? Let’s make a poetry book to hold a few poems on a theme, or just poems that you like. Finding Poems It’s actually really easy to find […]
Write a Haiku {Craft Challenge, Day 108}
It’s National Poetry Month, so I had already planned some creative challenges around poetry, but I read online today that it is International Haiku Poetry Day, so who am I to pass up the chance to write a haiku (or several)? What is Haiku? It’s likely you had to write haiku in school, but if […]