The girl loves going on walks, wandering through creek beds and exploring nature wherever she can get it, and she will sometimes specifically ask to do a nature scavenger hunt. Nature scavenger hunts are really a fun activity for everyone in the family, because you can all get into trying to find some of the […]
Using Maps as An Idea for Art Projects
All this week I’ve been doing craft challenges that relate in some way to maps. This was in part inspired by a gift from my sister-in-law of several books related to map making as art. These books are a great jumping off point for talking about maps as art with kids and for creating some […]
Our Favorite Poetry Book for Kids
It’s National Poetry Month, and I know it can be difficult to take the time to read poetry to kids, especially if you’re not a big fan of poetry yourself. One easy way to get everyone excited about reading poetry is to actually listen to poetry being read well. Have a reading in your house […]
Getting Kids Interested in Gardening: Ideas and Resources
One great way to get kids interested in nutrition and trying new foods is to get them as involved as possible in the selection and preparation of those foods. Even better is if you can grow some food yourself, so the child is invested in the food from the very beginning. Knowing where food comes […]