How to Survive a Creative Slump

How to Survive a Creative Slump

This year has been hard for me creatively. I just haven’t felt like making anything. I’ve been doing a little knitting here and there, maybe a tiny bit of sewing and some mending. But I haven’t felt inspired or really fired up to make anything. Or to write much. Creative slumps happen to everyone, but […]

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Creativity Boost: Pay Attention

Pay attention to your surroundings for a creative boost.

I’m pretty sure at some point when Jackie and I were walking around Santa Fe we talked about wondering if people there ever get tired of or stop noticing the view. I wondered the same thing when I lived in coastal Massachusetts for a summer. Do people who grow up with that view get complacent, […]

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Make Bad Art — It’s Good for You

Why making bad art is good for you and how to get started.

I really hate the idea of calling anything you make “bad.” Things might not turn out the way you planned (so often) but that doesn’t mean it’s bad, just that it turned out differently. But “bad art” is what a lot of people feel like they make, those people who say they aren’t creative and […]

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Take Yourself to the Library

Take yourself to the library and check out anything that inspires you.

This challenge is not always about making something. It is about feeling more inspired and creative in your life in general. One way to do that is to seek out things that inspire you, whether that’s going somewhere pretty and reading a book, shopping at a store you’ve never been to before, or going to […]

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Designate a Travel Project

Do you have a creative project you take with you? Why you need a travel project and how to choose one.

Piggybacking on yesterday’s challenge about creating where you are, this becomes much easier if you always have a project with you, which can happen when you designate a travel project. Benefits of a Travel Project If you have something you can carry with you, you’re more likely to be creative in those gap moments like […]

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