A Winner and New Stuff

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I should have mentioned a couple of days ago that the winner of the Knit Red book is commenter 7, Judy, who said

Both my father and my husband’s father died at an early age from heart attacks. Almost all the siblings in my family suffer from high risk factors for heart attack. We are really aware of the risks it poses and the huge part genetic factors play.

Thanks to everyone for sharing your stories.

I also wanted to let you know of a new place you can find me online. As of yesterday I’m now running the knitting site for Craft Gossip. I fyou don’t know that site, it’s a lot of fun. Editors from around the world collect gossip on your favorite crafts — from sewing to edible crafts, scrapbooking to lesson plans — and share the best projects, tips, sales and other goodies with you. One thing it allows me to do is more giveaways, so the number of those going on over here will be fewer than it has been lately.

I feel like everything having to do with this site has been less lately, and it’s mostly just because I haven’t been crafting much. I started “art journaling” with great enthusiasm that lasted about two weeks, and I’ve barely done so much as a doodle for more than a week or so (other than painting with the Bit). I haven’t sewn anything, even though she asked for purple shorts and I want to make her some nightgowns.

I’m in the midst of one of my “don’t buy stuff you don’t need” periods, and I wonder if to some extent that’s expanding into not wanting to make things I don’t need, either. (Though the girl really does need nightgowns. And possibly purple shorts.)

Or maybe it’s the heat. Or being busy with a couple of new jobs that have started recently. Or having the intense desire to completely overhaul my office, which means I don’t want to have any projects going on.

Maybe it’s just what you’d call a rut. I’m choosing to be gentle with myself, not take the name of this blog too literally, and to see every day as a possibility to get back into it. I’ll let you know what happens.

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  1. Congratulations on the new job – I’ve been thinking for some time that the knitting editor at Craft Gossip wasn’t up to the standards of the other editors, so I’m glad to hear it’s now in more capable hands!

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