Christmas Ornament Swap Reveal!

ornament swap goodies

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I told you last week that I was taking part in an ornament swap. It happened to be for the amazing organization Arkansas Women Bloggers, and I was thrilled when I found that my package came from someone I actually know so I get to introduce you to her.

But first, the goodies.

What I Got

The only requirement for the swap was that we give a handmade ornament, but my pal Jackie tucked in a few other things as well. ornament swap goodies

That’s a maple candy and two organic, fair trade chocolate bars from Theo Chocolate: dark chocolate peppermint stick and milk chocolate gingerbread spice. I can attest that the first is yummy and has almost disappeared!

Because Jackie knows me a little and is super sweet and thoughtful, the ornament she made me is related to knitting. knitting ornament

It’s two tiny knitting needles (I think made out of skewers with pony beads glued to the top; so cute!) with a ball of yarn wrapped around them and it says “Happy Knitting.” So cute!

Jackie is a really awesome person who you ought to know. She moved to the funky little town of Eureka Springs from the funky big town of San Francisco, and she blogs about the transitions of life and the bumpy road we all take to the destination we can’t see.

She’s also passionate about small businesses and has a blog called MoxieWorks that’s all about marketing for small businesses, and of course she can help you with more formal consulting, PR and other communications needs.

What I Gave

I already spilled the beans on the crocheted ornaments I made, but I didn’t tell you who I sent them to, which gives me an opportunity to introduce you to another local to me blogger, which is ever so much fun.

Missy blogs at Graceful Little Honey Bee and is a mom of a sweet nine month old little man. She’s crafty, she sells paintings and crocheted hats on etsy, makes her own jam, and did I mention I crocheted ornaments for a crocheter? I’m sure she’s a very nice lady and won’t make too much fun of my projects’ imperfections.

This was such a fun project and I’m glad it gave me a chance to get to know a couple of bloggers a little better. You can check all of the participants out at the ornament exchange linkup, which will give you some great ideas for ornaments you can make if your tree still needs some sprucing.

Have you made any ornaments this year? I’d love to hear about them!

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  1. You bet! Skewers and pony beads… and you as inspiration. Plus, you have been working so hard I couldn’t not give you chocolate! What you gave me I will have FOREVER… the card from the White House. OMG… I love Bo and his brood and was ecstatic to see one in person. Thank you and Happy happy holidays.

  2. I thought you’d like that 😉 They came the same day as your package and I couldn’t resist. Hope you have a great holiday, too.

  3. Sarah,
    That is just too perfect for you. Leave it to you to be so thoughtful with Jackie as well. I hope you can relax for a few days. You have been going so hard. Happiest of holidays.

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