Save the Season with Homemade Pesto

pesto recipe

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It’s getting cold at night here in Arkansas these days, and I’ve been feeling a little frantic about the herbs. The basil was still looking pretty good even after a couple of near-freezing nights, but I knew it wouldn’t last, so I made a big batch of pesto that finished up a lot of it.

Pesto is great because it makes supper really simple if you want to just put it on some pasta. It’s also a great sandwich spread, and you can freeze it, so you can get a taste of summer even in the dead of winter, which is always reassuring. pesto on pasta

The recipe I use is from the book Brilliant Food Tips and Cooking Tricks by David Jaochim, but it’s pretty standard. I seem to always end up making a double batch, because there’s always a lot of basil. There’s nothing at all wrong with that.

If you happen to double, though, I recommend not doubling the garlic. I did that last time and it was a bit too much, especially for the girl.

What You’ll Need

  • two cups of fresh, washed basil leaves
  • one clove of garlic, minced (the recipe actually calls for two, but the girl doesn’t like it much so I just use a little)
  • 1/3 cup extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1/4 cup pine nuts
  • salt and pepper
  • 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
  • 1/4 cup grated Romano cheese
  • pat of soft butter (optional, but yummy)

What You’ll Do

Basil is beautiful. That is all.
  1. Load the basil in your food processor. Add in the rest of the ingredients other than the cheese and butter.

    pesto ingredients
    Preparing to give the pesto a whirl.
  2. Pulse until it’s all nicely chopped.
  3. Put in a bowl and stir in the cheese and butter. Alternatively, add the butter to the hot pasta and then add the pesto. Whichever.

    pesto recipe
    The finished pesto.
  4. Cook some pasta. Add some pesto. Eat and be happy.

Do you grow herbs? What do you do to save them or use them at the end of the season? I’d love to hear your thoughts!

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