The Season for Slowing Down

snow in magnolia

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Now that the snow is mostly off the roads and the girl has been securely delivered to school (I feel like the moms in those back-to-school memes where the kids are sad and the mom is jumping for joy, except here we were both really excited to get back to our routine) and I’m realizing how very little time there is left in this year.

That’s literally true — two weeks from today it will be after Christmas; three weeks and we’ll be on day two of 2014 — but it’s also true from a work perspective.

Because of the snow I’ve worked three full days this month, today being the fourth. I have six more full working days, counting today, where the girl won’t be home with me or when I don’t already have some non-work thing going on.

I need to be able to enjoy that time when she’s home, when my husband is home for the holidays, when any extra friends who are in town are available.

I need to have a playdate with my mommy friends I never get to see anymore.

I need to get started on that book I signed a contract on (well, OK, I’ve started, but I’ve got to get some yarn in my hands, stat).

I need to take a breath, refocus, figure out what 2014 is going to be for me.snow in magnolia

And that means I need some time right now. I need to take a little of the pressure off, particularly since it’s pressure that comes from nowhere but within.

I’m not saying I’m going to stop posting here for the rest of the year, just that it’s not the high priority it usually is right now. I hope this means that I’ll come back refreshed and invigorated, with lots of ideas to share (I have lots of ideas right now, just not a lot of time and energy to share them).

Right now I’m following creative whims, hopefully getting to know my sewing machine again, making some little things for the girl for Christmas. Thinking about what I need to do to make the name Our Daily Craft more of a reality in the future.

If you have any ideas of things you’d like to see or topics you’d like me to cover, I’d love to hear from you.

I’ll be back soon — heck, now that I said this “out loud” I’ll probably be back tomorrow — but probably not every day for a while.

And that’s OK. It’s one of the gifts I’m giving myself this year. Maybe it’s all five of those gifts: time, patience, space, rest, comfort. I’m still wishing all of those for you this season, too.

Craft on!

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