Support Your “Local” Author {Preorder My Book from Me}

colorwork knitting

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I’ve not been talking a lot about it, but I have a new book coming out April 1. It’s called Colorwork Knitting, and it features five different color knitting techniques — using self-striping yarn, making your own stripes, slip-stitch knitting, stranded knitting and intarsia — on five different kinds of projects: scarves, hats, mitts or gloves, sweaters and socks.colorwork knitting

When my last book came out, I was way low-key about it. I didn’t have a blog tour or a launch party (well, I hijacked a local blogger meetup and declared it my launch party, because that’s so much easier than planning).

I feel kind of bad about not giving that book the sendoff into the world it really deserved.

So I’m trying to do better this time. First, by telling you all that this book exists.

Second, by encouraging you to buy it.

Third, I want to note that while you can preorder it from Amazon, where it is pretty darn cheap and should arrive as soon as its released, I also want to offer my own “preorder” service. Let me know that you want to buy a copy from me, I’ll charge you $20, sign it and ship it when I have it.

(Buying them from me is actually way more lucrative for me, because while I may never pay back my advance, if I buy the books and sell them to you I can actually make a profit. My online friend Kristin wrote a great blog post about writing books and selling books that talks a lot more about this if you’re interested.)

Fourth, I am having a blog tour (or at least I have a bunch of bloggers who have said they will review it, which is lovely) and a local launch party. If you live in Northwest Arkansas, I’d love for you to come!

And if you don’t and you’re not a knitter I’d love for you to spread the word about my book if you happen to know anyone who knits. This is a great book for people who already know how to knit but who maybe haven’t played with color that much and want some good, straightforward projects to practice on.

Have anything you’re celebrating? I’d love to hear about it!

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  1. Congratulations on your new book!
    My daughter-in-law knits but usually gets her ideas online. I think I’ll see if she would like a book, and if so, I’ll order this one!
    Did you make all the lovely projects pictured on the cover of the book?

  2. Are you the sarah white that attended Charles c.bell ?your parents were missionary. You went to Brazil.

  3. This is great news! Congratulations! Yeah, I feel a bit sorry for your first book not getting its proper welcome into the world. And they say the second baby gets the raw deal. 😉

  4. Congratulations on your new book, Sarah. You are obviously a very talented knitter. I have never tried to knit, but I have a friend who does. I’ll share your book with her.

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