Make a Mini Bunting for Your Fairy Garden {Or Whatever Else}

fairy garden bunting

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Last week I shared my fairy garden that I made for the girl, which she is still loving, by the way. make a mini bunting

I mentioned that I wanted to make a mini bunting, and I finally did. It’s super simple, irresistibly adorable and messy. You will have glue on every finger when it’s done. It will be worth it.

What You’ll Needmini bunting supplies

  • length of twine or string
  • fabric scrap
  • pinking shears
  • fabric glue (isn’t this little glue pen awesome?)

What You’ll Do

Determine how long you want your mini bunting to be. I just laid my twine out where I wanted it to go and made my strand a little longer than that.

Cut fabric scraps into triangles. I didn’t try too hard to make them all exactly the same size; I think it’s cuter that way. fabric bunting

Apply glue to the fabric, place on twine and fold over. Get glue all over your hands while trying to secure the triangle.

Repeat, spacing the triangles out as you like, and leaving a little empty on each end to tie or otherwise secure where you want it. fairy garden bunting

Place in your fairy garden or wherever else you need a dose of cuteness.

I think it’s adorable and now I want to mini bunting everything.

Are you a fan of bunting? Where would you use this pint-sized pick-me-up? (It would also be adorable on the front of a greeting card…)

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  1. Oh Sarah, this is such a lovely idea (and I am so envious of your glue pen!). I adore fairy gardens and it’s on my wishlist to do this Summer – for my own garden. Thank you for the step-by-step photos, too.
    – Callie (aka Moonpoppy, Swap-Bot)

  2. i love this idea, i am going to make this with my DD this weekend for our fairy garden 🙂

    thank you for such a fun blog!

    scrapingd from swapbot comment and follow 42

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