Make a Washi Tape Rainbow

Two easy ways to make a washi tape rainbow

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It’s National Craft Month (though, honestly, who really needs a special month to think about crafting?) and a bunch of bloggers are joining forces to share colorful, creative crafts that will get you inspired, too.

This week’s theme is all about colorful crafts, and I thought about the fantastic colorful rolls of tape we inherited from the girl’s old preschool and decided I wanted to make a tape art rainbow.Two easy ways to make a washi tape rainbow

I actually did two different washi tape rainbow ideas, depending on how realistic you want your rainbow to be. Both of them are pretty quick and easy and are great to add to the front of a greeting card or just to use as a decoration for St. Patrick’s Day.

Easy Washi Tape Rainboweasy to make washi tape rainbow

The easiest way to make a washi tape rainbow is to simply layer the colors on top of each other (I’m sure you know the order, but just in case: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, though of course you don’t have to use all the colors if you don’t have tape in all the colors) on a piece of cardstock, leaving a little of each showing.

I used a bowl to trace an arch shape on the tape and cut it out.washi tape rainbow straight

It’s super cute, but of course the colors don’t follow the arch. Still, this is a great one to do with kids who might not have the patience for a more involved method.

I also used white washi tape and cut out a cloud shape for extra cuteness.

More Involved Washi Tape Rainbowwashi tape rainbow with curved sides

The slightly more involved version of the washi tape rainbow requires three pieces of each color of tape. Start in the center, then add one piece to each side, lining up the corners at an angle so it sort of makes an arch shape.

Layer the colors as before, trimming off the sharp corners of the tape as you go if you want.

Cut into an arch shape as before.

I should have left more of the red showing than I did, but you get the idea.washi tape rainbow with cloud

This one I just cut the cloud out of cardstock instead of using tape. It’s cute either way.

Do you do a lot of rainbow crafting this time of year? I’d love to know what you’re making!

Check out more great ideas at the National Craft Month roundup, hosted by 100 Directions.

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  1. Thanks for sharing over at the DIY Crush Craft Party. What a cute Washi Tape rainbow! We’ve added this to our Pinterest board. Don’t forget to stop by on Thursday to add your tutorials to our next craft party!

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