It seems like we’re going through another baby boom in my world. Several people I know have either just had or are about to have babies, which is wonderful. As a knitter, it’s not too difficult for me to come up with gifts for new little ones. (Heck, I wrote a whole book about knitting […]
Nighttime Potty Training Made Easier with GoodNites Disposable Bed Mats
I try not to talk about it too much, but any parent knows that at a certain point in your toddler’s life, potty training becomes a big deal. Competitive parents keep an eye out to make sure some other kid in the same age group doesn’t give up diapers first. Other parents go crazy on […]
Adult Sleeves to Kid Legwarmers
When it first started getting cold, the Bit went through a brief legwarmer phase. She wanted to wear them to bed (which was great, because she never wants to wear socks, and is sketchy about using a blanket, so any little extra warmth she can get is fine by me) and occasionally wanted to wear […]
Tutu Tutorial
It says something about my age that every time I’ve thought about writing this post (which has been a bunch of times, since I’ve been meaning to do it since last Halloween, as in 2010) I get the song “Sussudio” by Phil Collins stuck in my head (welcome back, 1985!). Anyway, I’m not much of […]
30-Minute Make Do: Simple Toddler Bedding
My daughter has never had a matching set of bedding. I made her crib bumper, and she mostly had plain white or thrift-store-vintage fitted crib sheets, with a couple of random printed ones from Target thrown in. She’s never had flat sheets (well, I guess I did buy one once, but we hardly used it) […]
Halloween Craftiness, Part Two: The Costume
Every year of my daughter’s life I’ve made some part of her costume. The first year she didn’t really have a costume, because she was seven weeks out of the NICU (and eight weeks out of me) so we weren’t exactly leaving the house. But she did have a Halloween-themed onesie, and I had a […]
The Case for Taking Pictures with Our Kids
Yesterday was our monthly MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) meeting, and this month our speaker was a professional photographer and mom who specializes in taking pictures of kids and families. She was there to tell us how to take better pictures of our kids, but she was also there to give us a talking to about […]