I guess I’m just craving green and rainbows right about now, but I’m really feeling the need to craft things for St. Patrick’s Day. My family is pretty darn Irish (and my brother’s name is Patrick) so this is a holiday I celebrated growing up, but we’ve never done much for it with the girl. […]
Mourning Your Creative Losses
This quote turned up on Julia Cameron’s Facebook feed the other day, and it’s really appropriate for me because I’ve been thinking about the need to remember and acknowledge our creative losses in order to move on from them. One of the most powerful sessions at Blissdom this year was the one led by Bianca […]
You Must Remember This
As you all must be aware by now, I have a book that just came out. Now, I am a relatively rational person. I understand that publishing a book is a big deal. Someone who has never even met me in person liked my online presence enough to ask me to submit a proposal, worked […]
And Then, Things Got Real
I’m having a lot of trouble focusing today (which is actually yesterday, as you read this, but I’m sure it’s still true). For one thing, the major backyard renovation that’s been going on for a month (except for those two weeks in the middle when it wasn’t going) has gone into overdrive with the pouring […]
Help Me Clean Up My Office: A Felty Book Giveaway
I have a lot of knitting books (well, and crochet books, and sewing books, and crafting books…). I get books sent to me to review. I buy books. Heck, I even write books. It has added up over the five years I’ve written for About and the many years I’ve been crafty. Don’t believe me? […]