Knit a Pussycat Hat in the Round

Free pattern to knit a pussyhat/pussy cat hat in the round.

Affiliate links are included for your convenience. If you’re connected at all to the knitting world, and probably even if you’re not, you may have heard about the Pussyhat Project, which aims to outfit as many women as possible who are marching in the Women’s March on Washington with hats that look like cats. Even […]

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How to Mend a Torn Seam by Hand or Machine

An easy mending fix: how to mend torn seams by hand or by machine.

I’ve been on a bit of a mending tear (ha!) recently. I had this huge stack of things that needed to be fixed, and I have other things on my list, but I’m plugging away and thought I would share some basic mending methods with you. Probably the most common problem that requires mending — […]

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