Use What You Have with Help from Wise Craft

felt flower wise craft

I’ve been in full-on use what’s in the house mode this year, so I was pretty excited to stumble upon the book Wise Craft: Turning Thrift Store Finds, Fabric Scraps, and Natural Objects into Stuff You Love by Blair Stocker at the library. The book includes a variety of craft projects organized by season, though […]

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What is Gesso and How to Make Your Own Gesso

homemade gesso comparison

As I have been doing more painting and mixed media type projects, I have found myself delving into art supplies I didn’t know much about before. One of my most-needed supplies right now is a white pasty substance called gesso. Gesso is a primer that’s used for preparing canvases and other surfaces for painting. It […]

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Why We Make Things and Why It Matters

why we make things and why it matters

Sometimes when I’m at the library for a specific purpose (like picking up a book for my Reading Women project) I can’t resist browsing a little bit, particularly in the nonfiction section. So it was that the book Why We Make Things and Why It Matters: The Education of a Craftsman by Peter Korn ended […]

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