Bundles of ebooks and information products are a great way to save money on learning resources, but they can be quite overwhelming. Learn how to use a bundle to meet your goals without the overwhelm. Choosing the Right Bundle There are so many bundle products available, and they are a great way to focus your […]
A Beginner’s Guide to Learning Through Play
Learn how to encourage learning through play with your kids, plus pick up a great resource for learning letters and numbers through play for a great price (and with lots of freebies, too). Affiliate links are included for your convenience. I use the term playful learning a lot, in my head if not on this […]
How to Meet Your Blogging Goals with Ebooks, Courses and Bundles
Learn how books, courses and bundles can help you meet your blogging goals without driving you crazy. I always buy into blogging business courses and ebook bundles with a great deal of hope and enthusiasm, sure that this time I’m going to do the reading and the work and use the information to my advantage. […]
Get a Full Blogger Education with the Genius Blogger’s Toolkit
I am an affiliate of the Genius Blogger’s Toolkit so I’ll get a little kickback if you buy. But all opinions are my own. I am all about continuing education and learning new things about my craft, my business, my life. When you make your living online you have to pay attention to changes in […]
Help Your Kids Learn Letters and Numbers Through Play
Some of the most fundamental learning our kids do early on has to do with learning letters and numbers, building the foundation for reading, spelling and math. And like most early learning, the best way to teach kids these early skills is through play, incorporating learning into everyday activities that are fun for both of […]