I know there are other uses for the Turkish cast on than toe-up socks, but that’s the only time I’ve used this cast on method. If you wanted to work other small tubes with a seamless beginning — such as a doll arm or leg, or gloves if for some reason you were working from […]
Cable Cast on for Knitting
The cable cast on is an easy way to begin a knitting project. It’s similar to the knit cast on with one little difference. Some people prefer it to the knit cast on, but both are nice options for starting a knitting project. What is the Cable Cast On? Cable cast on is made by […]
How to Make the Knit Cast On
The knit cast on is my favorite cast on to teach new knitters because you’re basically learning how to knit right there in the cast on, so it makes starting to knit that much easier. And if you’re working with someone who has knit before but someone cast on for them, this cast on will […]