There are so many great books for kids about winter holidays, snow and all the things that go with this time of year. We’ve teamed up with The Jenny Evolution and a bunch of other awesome kid bloggers to share a bunch of collections of winter and holiday books you can use to beef up […]
3 Books for Kids Who Love to Make
My daughter’s school just opened up a tinkering studio, which is completely awesome and I want to live there. It’s great because the school is really dedicated to STEAM education so there are circuits and a 3-D printer but also a sewing machine and yarn (my cast offs, of course). They have some books around […]
3 Picture Books That Aren’t (Just) for Pre-readers
I have made it clear that we read a lot over here, and we read a lot of different things. But sometimes there’s fun to be had in not reading at all. Some of our favorite books don’t have any words, but they’re not necessarily just for little kids. Telling the story of what’s happening […]
5 Classic Books/Series Your Kids Should Know About
Last night the girl knew just what she wanted to read at bedtime. She ran out to the living room to dig in her book basket and came back with a copy of Make Way for Ducklings (which we’ll talk more about in a minute). As we were reading, she asked why the drawings weren’t […]
And Then It’s Spring {The Reading List}
It’s cold and rainy today, the first day in what I hope is the last stretch of cold, rainy weather before the warm spring weather really sticks around. We’ve had flashes, and the clover is out so at least our yard is green, but we’re definitely in that transition period. It’s a time when it’s […]
It’s a Tiger! {The Reading List}
In this house, we read a lot of books. Some of them you might not have heard of. Your kids might like them, too. Or not. In this occasional series I’ll share our current favorites, and maybe occasionally ones that we didn’t love so much. I accidentally opened a box that had some Christmas presents […]