Looking back at the archives, it looks like I first wrote about water beads last February. We had a package from the dollar store and they stayed in somewhat good shape for at least a few months. (They tend to get broken, dried out and lost over time.) The Bit loved them back then, and […]
Crazy About Containers
This isn’t really a project, or even an activity that you can necessarily do with your kids, but it’s something you might want to look out for or try and observe what your kid does. The Bit is almost 4, and she’s obsessed with putting things in containers. Not putting things away, exactly, but moving […]
Getting Spring Started
Even though Easter is a moving holiday, it seems like when we had a big yard garden we always planted the weekend of Easter or right around then (maybe because the garden centers are empty when everyone else is at church?). It’s been feeling like summer, not even spring, for a few weeks here, but […]