I am really strongly dominantly right handed. I can eat using my left hand, and button buttons, but when it comes to writing, crafting and other hand work my right hand is the boss. Even though I know how to knit holding the yarn in my left hand, and people who work that way say […]
Illustrate Your Little Word
I mentioned recently that my one little word for 2016 is clear. Even if you don’t have a little word, you might have a word that is meaningful to you or that you want to focus on in the new year. Create, for example, is always a good word for me. You might have a […]
Get Creative Quick with Doodles
I wanted to start my year-long creative challenge with doodles even though I’ve talked about them before because it’s such an easy, basic way to be creative wherever you are and no matter how much time you have. You can doodle at your desk, at the end of the day, in the margins of a […]