I don’t know how it is where you live, but we’ve already had a cold snap here in Arkansas. And just about the minute the temperature drops below 40 degrees, my skin starts getting dry, itchy and flaky. In a few weeks my hands will be rough and scaly, with little cracks and red spots […]
Lesson of the New Year #3: Have No Expectations
One of the first lessons I learned as a new mom was that if I really wanted to ruin a day I should have an expectation of how that day was going to go. If I expected to get a decent amount of sleep, I’d be in a rocking chair at 3 in the morning […]
Pantry Raid
Clearly I watch too much Food Network. Last week I was talking about “here’s what’s happening” and this week I’m stealing episode titles from “Good Eats.” Shameful. Over the weekend I decided at the last second, hours before going to a friend’s house for dinner, that I was going to make a pasta salad to […]
The Crafty Pantry
Not all the stuff we make comes from string, fabric and paint. There are a lot of things we can make for our kids that come from common household items, a lot of them coming straight out of the kitchen. Because of my recent obession with Pinterest (come on, how do you not get obsessed […]