I am a part of the Sensory Processing 101 affiliate program, so if you click on a link in this post and buy the book, I’ll get a little money. I’d appreciate it if you did! All opinions are my own. Our bodies are amazing things when they work properly. They allow us to sit, […]
Notions: Making Art with Kids
I love doing art projects with the girl, but it’s something we’ve been doing a lot of lately. Well, she started a project that hasn’t gotten finished yet, but that will be really cool if it ever gets done, so we’ll see. Even as a sort of crafty professional it can be hard to come […]
Entertaining Kids while Traveling: What We Really Used
We recently went on a week-long vacation to Florida, and while I want to tell you a lot about what we did, today I want to focus on what we packed. My biggest worry when it comes to travel is keeping the girl entertained, during travel, while waiting and in down times. I probably overpack […]
Notions: Back-to-School Tips Edition
The girl starts kindergarten on Thursday, and while I’m trying to be all cool about it because she’s been going to preschool since she was almost 2, I’M ABOUT TO HAVE A KINDERGARTENER and it feels like a big deal. I’ve written before about helping kids in school transitions, whether they’re starting school for the […]
Notions: Outdoor Play and Nature Crafts
I read a lot of crafty blogs and have a lot of craft and kids activities come through my feeds every day, so I’d guess a lot of these Notions posts are going to involve rounding up crafty kids things, as much so I can save them for myself as to share them with you. […]
Notions: Kids, Technology and Vacations
This is the first of what I hope will be a weekly series of posts about cool things I’ve found on the Internet, hopefully all on some kind of a theme. We’ll see. One thing I think every good parent has in common with every other good parent is that we want our kids to […]
How to Entertain Kids on a Trip: On-the-Go Fun for Kids
This needs to start with the big disclaimer that I know the author of this book in an online friend sense. We used to be colleagues at About.com and she has gone on to do amazing things, including writing three books and working for Understood to be an even bigger advocate for kids with learning […]