Or, how using a brain dump list can set you free. I’m a big believer in lists. I actually probably place too much faith in lists, as if I can cram all my hopes onto a piece of paper and somehow magically the day will expand so I can actually get all those things done. […]
These 3 Easy Steps Will Get You to the Best Mornings Ever
Make your morning routine better with this somewhat simple three-step process. I am not a morning person. I actually loved the rhythm of working nights, because I could wake up whenever I wanted, do my own thing for a few hours, go to work when everyone else was thinking about leaving, and work through the […]
Creativity Boost: Writing Practice
I know not everyone who reads this site is a writer, and I know that writing is not the only way to be creative, but establishing a writing practice is an act of creativity that I think can help a lot of people be more creative, even if they don’t primarily create with words. What […]
One Little Word for the New Year
Much like with more traditional resolutions, I start out the year with the best of intentions. 2016 will be my fourth year of using one little word to guide my thinking, actions and intentions for the year, but I don’t always do a good job carrying it through. My word for 2015 was simplify, and […]
How I Do Morning Pages
When I talk about doing morning pages — which I do kind of a lot — I often get questions about how it’s done and how I work with them. I don’t feel like I quite do it in the same way that Julia Cameron, who introduced morning pages to the world in her book […]
Things I Need for a Good Day
I feel like this month has flown by and I haven’t been getting things done that I really intended to get done. I made some promises to myself that haven’t quite gotten redeemed yet, but I’m also doing a good job on a few things that I didn’t expect to be going so well. I’ve […]
A Self- Care Challenge
The act of creating just for yourself is a way to taking care of yourself, but I hope that in time it will expand into other areas of self-care, for you and for me. In my world, where taking care of myself is not really a normal thing, self-care can be as simple as making […]