The Fine Art of Finishing Things

Why it's sometimes hard to finish things and what to do to get your projects done.

It’s so easy to start new projects; finishing things can be harder. Here are some tips to get you through. There’s something about the chill in the air in the mornings these days. It makes me want to make things. Maybe more importantly, it makes me want to finish things. I am a great starter. […]

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Make Bad Art — It’s Good for You

Why making bad art is good for you and how to get started.

I really hate the idea of calling anything you make “bad.” Things might not turn out the way you planned (so often) but that doesn’t mean it’s bad, just that it turned out differently. But “bad art” is what a lot of people feel like they make, those people who say they aren’t creative and […]

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What Could You Do in 30 Days?

meditation cats

It’s said — though it’s not really true — that it takes 21 days to make a habit, to change something in your life that you don’t like or to start doing something different. What would happen if, instead of making and discarding New Year’s resolutions, you decided to take on one task or habit […]

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