Last month I declared that my goal was to stick to a pretty lengthy morning routine that involved meditation, working out, cleaning and other stuff. And I haven’t done that great of a job. Parts of it are getting done pretty regularly. I clean almost every day, and I’m probably still working out more days […]
Monthly Goals: Keeping Up
This has not been a great year for goal setting or goal keeping so far. In January I was going to clean my office and keep my desk cleared off. It’s March, and both my office and my desk are still a wreck (but a couple of big wreck-making things have happened and are done […]
Monthly Goals: Having a Plan
So, January, on the whole, did not go quite as planned. I was doing fine with my office cleaning for a lot of the month, and while I don’t think it’s possible for me to have a clean desk every day (too many projects!) I was at least trying to clean up at the end […]
4 Reasons You Need an Editorial Calendar {Craft Your Blog}
I am usually a planner by nature, but you wouldn’t know it lately. After writing a few weeks ago about how much I love to do lists and calendars, I haven’t been using either much recently. Facing two out-of-town trips, the end of school, the start of swim lessons and goodness knows what else, no […]